Another page, freshly drawn! I’m starting to get back into my old groove.
Kristy is teh smart. She should probably be the leader of the Wyldcard team, but she’s not the one who started it, so.
Another page, freshly drawn! I’m starting to get back into my old groove.
Kristy is teh smart. She should probably be the leader of the Wyldcard team, but she’s not the one who started it, so.
Finally, the next page is up! Sorry this one took so long, I had to shuffle some panels around and rework some dialogue. At least it’s still Tuesday. Ow my hand.
Dennis and Kristy haven’t interacted as much as I’d have liked in these past few chapters. Here’s a step towards amending that.
1:30 am? Well, okay, it is technically Tuesday, might as well post this right now! Between all the scales on Dennis’ Scuthon and that establishing panel of the practice arena this page was a pain in the ass to draw. Ben better watch out, Dennis is fighting to impress his love! I’ve been both anticipating and dreading the upcoming battle scene. It’ll be the longest one I’ve drawn so far.
And we’re finally back! Sorry about the long hiatus. I won’t beleaguer my readers with sordid tales about my personal life; I’ll just say that the past few months have been pretty rough on me. Anxiety/depression are the ultimate motivation killers. If anything this stresses the importance of creating a buffer, which I’m hoping to do after I finish Chapter 04. Anyway, enjoy the battle!
And this battle finally comes to an end! Poor Ben.
I’m finally starting to get my mojo back. Productivity feels good!
Aw, look at Ben, he’s so happy! I’m happy too. I can see the home stretch, I’ll be so glad for this chapter to finally be done and over with.
Oh my! That content advisory warning isn’t just for show anymore…
The uncensored version of this page can be viewed here! (Warning: NSFW, explicit content)
Dat crowd scene. I commissioned a friend of mine to design a logo for the Wyldard team. He did a good job.
And after years of foreshadowing through my stand-alone art, Amy finally makes her debut! I’ve kept Ida under wraps though. Can’t go and spoil every character.