This territorial Kreature has a habit of sinking ships and submersibles which enter its turf by either smashing them to bits or punching holes in them with pressurized torrents of superheated ink fired from its twin siphons. After devouring the escaping crew, it will live in the resulting shipwreck. Its default colour is red but it can change colour to blend into its surroundings or signal its emotions. Its pincers are so strong it can snap them shut with enough force to create imploding sonoluminescent bubbles that can stun its opponents. Though its exoskeleton is tough, it is also collapsible, allowing it to squeeze into tight hiding places.
A marvelous combination of cephalopod and crustacean.
Congratulations on being the one to post the 100th comment on my site! (Technically it’s the 103rd but three of those were mine so they don’t count.)
Hooray for me !
The embellishments aren’t all that massive in the grand scheme of things, but the way they’re integrated really makes this design pop. I think it’s the tentacles; they’re thinner and more uniform thickness than most real cephalopods, which very subtly makes them resemble crustacean limbs, even without the exoskeleton or pincers.
It’s just radical enough to be a monster, while still feeling like something that could evolve on Earth.
Updated Comment: Klamptacle is impressive because while the combination is obvious, it doesn’t look or feel tacked on. The way the crustacean exoskeleton and claws just feel natural is a big thumbs up from me.